Choosing the best Sanitary Services within your budget
Due to this, there is a danger of clogging the drain. If the user attempts to dispose of the used product embarrassment or leaves the daily cleaner with the task of emptying the bin and disposing of the contents among general office trash. This is not acceptable service for many sweepers today, and will not typically be included in an office cleaning contract. Bridging the gap between this in-house, DIY method of disposal and the full range of professional feminine hygiene disposal services, are systems using stand-alone cans that contain a disposable cartridge. Once again, disposal is done by in-house staff, but at least the internal cartridges can be sealed, although disposal is still accompanied by normal office waste. Big claims are often made about the biodegradability of these types of Washroom Waste Bins , and liners, but when you balance the initial purchase cost of cans, a constant supply of cartridges, and the act of exchanging cartridges. The cost versus benefit is not...